Welcome Aaron Gratz!

Aaron Gratz joins Air Control Products Inside Sales team
Air Control Products is proud to welcome Aaron Gratz to the team. Aaron joins our recently expanded Inside Sales Team. Aaron is from Hartville, Ohio, the heart of Amish country. (He is not Amish, at least, we do not think so) Aaron graduated from Kent State. Aaron knows Ohio very well; he has lived in Columbus and then Akron. He is a huge fan of Cleveland sports, traveling, and music. Current favorite artist is Ben Howard. We asked what his favorite show he has seen was; without hesitation – “North Coast Music Festival.” As mentioned, Aaron likes to travel. When asked what his bucket list destination is, Aaron said he hopes to visit Scotland one day. We asked Aaron what he was looking forward to most working at ACP; “I am looking forward to learning from our customers and making their lives easier.” Aaron, we are proud to have you on our team.