Winter 2023

Ray Pasquinelli

Ray Pasquinelli​​​​
Project Manager
Columbus branch office

1. What is your current position and role at Air Control Products?
Project Manager – Handle all aspects of a project from receipt of order to final completion. Also requires quoting and estimating as need requires. I don’t mind wearing multiple hats!

2. How long have you been with ACP, and what other roles have you worked in if any since you started?
I have been with ACP a little over 2 years now and was hired in as a Project Manager.

3. What brought you to Air Control Products, and what was it about ACP that made you to join our team?
My wife and I have two daughters that were both in the early stages of college about two years ago. One daughter was going to Baldwin-Wallace and the other was planning on switching to the University of Cincinatti. COVID seriously impacted the company I was with back then, so I started looking for another job. Since the girls were going to (or planning to go to) schools in Ohio, it only made sense to look at opportunities. A friend of mine knew of Air Control Product’s reputation in the industry and suggested I reach out to them. I reached out to Mike Greene and ultimately interviewed with him and Jason Treacy. I was really impressed with Mike, Jason and the other people I met. They were friendly, enthusiastic and made me feel welcomed.
4. What is your favorite part of your job?
I actually enjoy ALL parts of my job (honestly, I do!). I tend to be a meticulous person and don’t mind diving into the details. So; doing take-offs, setting up new jobs, selecting equipment, checking drawings, assembling submittals, processing orders… are all fun tasks to me. I also love helping and teaching the younger folks and try to mentor them as best as I can. Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate enough to have others around to guide me (in life and in my career) and I want pay that back to others.

5. What are your hobbies – what do you do when not at work?
I enjoy spending time in the garage doing woodworking projects and tinkering with stuff. I enjoy the simple pleasure of sitting outside in the warmer months, which also includes sitting by the fire on the back patio. It doesn’t get much better than sitting around with family and friends sipping a beer or glass of wine when the weather is nice! Although I haven’t done this since I was a little kid, I would like to start fishing again. We have a family vacation planned for Memorial Day weekend in Holland, MI and I fully intend to bring along a fishing rod!

6. Do you have a favorite family tradition?
When my kids were little, we would watch The Polar Express on Christmas night as a family. Now that the kids are older, we’ve moved away from that movie but we still watch a movie together on Christmas night. The other thing that comes to mind is making dinner together as a family. Not sure that’s really a family tradition, and it’s definitely happening less and less with the kids being out of town. But, it’s something I look forward to when the kids are in town.

Air Control Products Quick Ship Programs are BACK!

Quick Ships are Back

Air Control Products is bringing our Quick Ship Program Back! We have quick ship options for a variety of Fire dampers, Louvers, Fans, MUA, Air Distribution, Plenums and VAV boxes. There are multiple options available for multiple products. Contact your sales person for a more detailed scope as to what we can get you.

MAGNET - Manufacturing Innovation, Technology, and Job Center. Cleveland Ohio

MAGNETS new HQ is a renovated school in the Hough neighborhood in Cleveland Ohio

MAGNET – Air Control Products was fortunate that both our HVAC & ARCHITECTURAL divisions assisted with MAGNET’S (Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network) new Manufacturing Innovation, Technology, and Job Center. Working with Geauga Mechanical, our HVAC Sales division helped to create a comfortable and highly functional HVAC system, while our ACP Architectural division teamed up with Mondernfold to implement multiple walls for MAGNET’S event center. Click here for the project scope. What does MAGNET do? – Click here.