Where others see only space, Modernfold sees possibilities. For adding new architectural efficiencies to growing business environments. For bringing areas of calm and quiet to bustling schools. For introducing light and elegance to the most surprising places. From versatile operable partitions to architecturally-striking glass wall systems, these products lead the way in delivering long-standing quality, custom solutions and unsurpassed support in movable walls. Make your next space division a challenge. And let us show you the possibilities.
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ACP Architectural partnered with OHM Advisors to begin work on the design and layout to deliver the space Cardinal Health desired. The design ultimately consists of four Moderfold glass walls with two intersecting walls to create three independent meeting rooms. Click here for project scope.
This stylish contemporary design uses space effectively and efficiently. Both acoustics and aesthetics come together in Modernfold Acousti–Clear Glass Wall Systems. Acousti-Clear®, a new innovation in space management and room design delivers the ultra-sleek contemporary aesthetics of aluminum and glass with highly desired sound separation all courtesy of a new and innovative glass wall system.…