Karen Drogalus joins ACP

Karen Drogalus, one of two new estimators to join the team in Cleveland Ohio.
Air Control Products would like to introduce you to our newest Estimator, Karen Drogalus. Karen is born and raised in NEO. She has lived in other states, the most interesting being Alaska. She did make sure to mention that 1; she had electricity and 2; she did not live in an igloo. Asked where her ideal place to live would be, Karen had this to say “Believe it or not, if I could live anywhere, it would still be Ohio. I love being able to bike and hike in our beautiful National Parks, and enjoy our seasons without fearing hurricanes and deadly creatures. I have three beautiful grandchildren that live here in Ohio as well. (Karen is in the process of learning to play the banjo. “New tricks, old dogs… It’s coming along SLOWLY! I won’t be playing in a bluegrass band any time soon.” ) Before beginning her career at ACP, Karen was in the insurance industry. “The culture here is amazing!! I was so surprised to see the excitement and passion that everyone seemed to have when they had the chance to share their knowledge while explaining their role at the company and, how HVAC stuff works. I feel very lucky to be here!” Karen, we are the lucky ones. so glad you are on board.